Sunday, December 04, 2005

24km Route March

just completed my 24km route march yest night... it was quite a tiring experience as the longest march we've went through is 16km, and this is 1/3 times more...

before the march begins in the afternoon, we had rest for the whole morning and also the day before to help us replenish our energy... for the 1st 8km was marching around the school compound 4 times... the ground is more even here but after 2 rounds you would feel very sianz already... there's a 15mins break after every 4km, except for the one after 8km where we had our dinner and had 1hour break...

after our dinner, we proceed to march along tekong highway... this is the same as the 16km one, but this time the entire journey will be at night, so it add the level of difficulty... some more my spectacles always got fog at night then v diff to see...

after we reach the 16km mark, we decided to do a fast march back... although our feet are aching from muscle ache and blister, we tried to push one, for this is our graduation march, our final march in bmtc... but there's some uneven ground along the way then i almost tripped into a small step... but luckily didnt sprint the ankle and can still continue...

at the 20km mark, my leg was like totally pain but i told myself to push on... as i walk slower, my PS put me and another guy in front to set the pace... we push ourselves all the way through the upslope and downslope and before we know it, bmtc was in front of us... yeah... and it was about 2315h...

but now my blister on my both legs are very big and i could not walk very fast... but hopefully tomorrow it'll be better cos there's graduation parade rehearsal and i must attend that in order to march on the POP day... 3 more days to POP!

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