Sunday, January 21, 2007

ahh... going to overweight liao...

on mon dunno why suddenly ask us to measure height and weight and dunno why my height is shorter but as expected my weight gains abit... and i'm less than 1kg b4 i go to the overweight zone!!!!! :(:( cannot eat too much liao but i think it mostly came from sleeping too fast after eating... cos of the duty schedule sometimes have to do at night and no choice have to slp during the day and that causes it... if not cos my metamolism is quite high so it's easier to burn off the excess so i can still maintain it if i follow the regular lifestyle... but if i sleep after eating then i dunno what will happen... :(

i think must also exercise more la then the ippt last fri was cancelled cos of the rain but now i also confirm fail one... esp the standing board jump... running i dunno what's like now cos i didnt time for very long liao...

then after book out that day still eat seoul garden.. die die die... now dunno what's the weight... but the last few days tried to eat less and not sleep so soon after eating... but now it becomes that i'm soooooooo tired from the lack of slp :(:( ORD come faster leh!!!

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