Sunday, April 15, 2007

Food Drive Collection

today actually my dad's company having a family day at jurong bird park... cos i got church in the morning so at first plan to go there in the afternoon... but then there is so crowded then my parents they all went for a while then go home liao... so in the end i nv go and stay in church till afternoon...

then this morning we continue with the food from the heart thing and we went to collect the food... the response was like... em... not very good cos many of the units ppl are not in or they say the did not receive the info last wk so was not prepare... but those who give really give alot and total up we still got quite a number... but my sec 1 cell and AAT only manage to cover 2 of the 4 blks today cos not enough time to do the rest so next wk have to continue...

but the thing is next wk i won't be around... then as for the other 2 one going to cambodia misson trip and the other also got army duty... so my sec 1 YO! cell dont have any cell leader... luckily we combine with AAT cell but for that cell 3 leaders, one of them also going to cambodia.. so must pray the other 2 will be present, if not we still got our Lord Jesus who's always present 24/7/365...

today we also got GB enrolemnt so there's quite alot of ppl in the church... but too bad this yr they nv provide buffet so dont hve anything to eat there... then i always say dont eat too much but sometimes if nv eat lunch but dinner eat more then is worse le... oh me why like that... then my current BMI is 24.9... just 0.1 more to consider overweight... why............ must control................... ahh......................

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