Thursday, August 02, 2007


went to NTU today for the QET and it's the same format as the pass year paper, which is to write an essay of 250-300 words. but i think i wrote abt 400+ words but like only use less than 1/2 of the paper they provide. if use all i think can be abt 100 words liao...

basically just have that today and i also went to collect the ezlink card and hand in the Giro form which i think i've miss the deadline liao cos its not written on the website and i didn't see the booklet for quite sometime... for the ezlink i still haven't activate yet cos my NS concession pass still valid till 8 Aug, after that then i buy from the student one which is $9 cheaper...

tmr will have orientation talk and i think i'll be useful as now still quite blur in some of the things and hopefully can solve tmr if not do wrong things then got big prob liao..

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